
The first seminar will take place on Friday, Feb 23. Xin Sun will give an overview lecture assuming minimal background.

Our seminar in Spring 2024 will focus on two core subjects lying at the intersection of probability and mathematical physics: Gaussian free field (GFF) and Schramm Loewner evolution (SLE). There are excellent lecture notes on these topics. On the one hand, they may not be necessary for following our seminar. On the other hand, we assume that the participants are willing to read those well-documented materials on their own and discuss between each other. 

We will focus on some important topics that are not streamlined yet, since they contain greater opportunity for research. Here are a partial list of topics that we plan to cover:
1. the imaginary geometry coupling of GFF and SLE;
2. various rigorous and conjectural relations with 2D lattice models;
3. representation theoretic aspect of GFF and Liouville conformal field theory.

The format is that I will give some introductory lecture(s) on a certain topic and invite someone to learn and present some material in detail. I have already secured a few volunteers. If you are interested in learning and presenting something, please let me know in advance ( and we can discuss possible topics.


Every Tuesday and Friday from 10am to 12am.

Tencent Meeting ID:475-8396-3483

There is a companion student seminar on Thursday evening. For more information, see this link:


叶一一,Yiyi Ye (Ms.)


Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research



There is a companion student seminar on Thursday evening.

See this link: