
Quantum field theory (QFT) has had a profound impact on nearly all areas of mathematics, and remains a compelling challenge and source of inspiration for mathematicians. Due to the recent probabilistic revolution, including random geometry, conformal field theory, and SPDE, we believe that probability will play a key role in the future development of QFT. Within this in mind, our learning seminar will be centered around two types of topics: 

1.Recent probabilistic development related to QFT, such as conformal field theory and gauge theory.

2.Other mathematical areas related to QFT, such as complex analysis and quantum topology.

We plan to meet once or twice a week, between 10am-noon on Tuesday and Thursday. Our first meeting will be held on February 18 in Room 77201, 78 Jing Chun Yuan (See Seminar Syllabus for more detail). In the first half of the semester, with a few exceptions, we will interact with visitors related to either Topic 1 or 2 above. The meeting could be a formal minicourse, a talk, or an informal discussion. In the second half, we mainly have student presentations on Topic 1 or 2, where the precise topic is chosen in the first half of the semester.


Detailed information about the seminar will be updated on the website as they become available. If you are outside PKU but interested in attending, please send me an email ( with a short introduction of yourself. 

If the speaker allows, we will make the session available remotely via tencent meeting. 

Tencent Meeting ID:811-4397-4394

If you are a student and plan to learn some topics systematically and present in the seminar, or if you are an expert on Topic 1 or 2 and interested in visiting us,  please send me an email as well. If we run out of spots this semester we will continue to the next one.